I really miss kuching food...arghh!! after seeing Diablo's blog... I m now craving for LAKSA!!! goshh....'m hungryyyyy....
I wan Kolo Mee!! The one in Selangor is so different from the one in Kch..still prefer the one in kch..it's way nicer...Hmmmm....Somemore the SEAFOOD!! yucks! not nice! nt fresh~ kaka!
Am i C0MPLaNinG?! xP [ Nahh..I just dont like the food here..BUT i LOVE my lifestyle here^^ ]
Ooohhhhh!! wait wait wait.. Do i miss home or Do i miss the food now?!
hm?! so confused~ miss mummy's cookinggggg...
miss my lil cute myra...
miss her badlyyyy~ she is so cuteeeeee....
I Miss HOME! HOME SWEET HOME~well..i'm g0ing back h0me this Thursday! GREAT!!! WoOoOoHoOooOo!!!!! what a Life~