Friday, April 18, 2008

I'm homeeee!!!

Yesterday, i missed my flight when i reached LCCT. I'm jst 15minutes late for check in. But they dont let me in anymore. Oh well..I just hafto pay for the 2nd time and it cost arnd 300+ for coming back here. :( so expensiveeee...
Luckily mousiie sent me to the airport rather than dropping me at KL Central. So he accompanied me till i left and he got summone. *sigh* Poor him. If not because of him.. I'll be very lonely at the airporttt...
He's actually having his lunch at the airport. Cause he is sick. So i said he can only have kuay teow soup or noodle soup.. That's why he look unsatisfied with the food..Haha! But i still let him eat McFlurry after the meal. He didn't finished it coz he say it's nt nicee...kakaka!
AND todayyy!! Mello brought me out for breakfasttt.. LAKSA!!! wakakakaka! What a nice guy he is.. His ex jst dont know how to appreciate~ I'm craving for it larrr eversince i read Diablo's bloggg... Super nice until i forgot to take a pic of it~ Blurry meeee... hehe^^

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